Nautamlal Mehta-Kamdars
Rabindranath Tagore or any other
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Why are famous historians, journalists, or media not discussing this precious historical matter?
We have already conducted extensive research, and all the authentic evidence is available on our website. Therefore, we do not need creative or subjective writing to fill up pages by hired authors. Even if you search on Google, you won’t find a website with such profound historical evidence presented objectively like ours. If you hire a media company by spending money, everyone will soon write about our national heritage.

Nautamlal Mehta-Kamdar Family of Jetpur history and their contribution into Indian freedom from the British
This May be the Only website in the World where you will see More Documents, Proof, and evidence, Very Little or NO subjective or creative writing because Our documents speak for themselves.
Note: We could have Hired a Book writer, a film Producer, or a journalist very comfortably to make more Drama with lots of publicity. But it is not in our background. And it is Never needed because every document speaks for itself with a few lines. It is a matter of your sense, your logic. And Judgment. I don’t want our golden truth to be polluted.
The Word “Mahatma” for Mohanlal K Gandhi ( Gandhiji) Was…

This Rare Historical material is the Golden heritage of "Bharatiya Sanskar for the World":
I, Niranjan Mehta, the Grandson of Nautamlal B Mehta, feel Blessed and honored to present to the World Humanity Nobleness. Sacrifice, The Spirit of Nationalism. Without..

Other Facts
Other Facts

Nautamlal Mehta’s family engages in rare sports activities across various sports, a unique trait from a Jain family.
I dedicate this website page to my elder brother, DM Mehta (Dhirendra Mehta), who made sports accessible to everyone. He created hundreds of successful athletes

Louis Fischer’s grossly erroneous information about Tagore; the truth is that Nautamlal B Mehta was the first to coin the word “Mahatma” for Gandhi Ji, not Tagore. Please read all the compelling evidence, including documents and historical details.
Regarding Louise Fischer’s case, the only proof is based on his personal accounts or imagination. While he considers himself a creative writer, Indian scholars, and

Nehru and Indira Gandhi were two of the most outstanding leaders of the last century. India was blessed to have started its independence under their guidance.
The Nautamlal Mehta family has been connected with them since 1919, and compelling evidence supports this. Before you compare India to other countries. think of

Amma’s Tea Drinking Habit. at The No Tea Drinking Mahatma Gandhiji’s Wardha Asharam.
My mother’s tea-drinking habit in a no-tea zone (boycotted British goods) at Wardha Sevagram greatly helped create a solution for Mahatma Gandhi and Jamnalal Bajaj.

Mahatma Gandhijis wished for the Marriage of Mehtas at the Asharam. Why Never performed at the Asharam?
This May be the Only website in the World where you will see More Documents, Proof, and evidence, Very Little or NO subjective or creative

Netaji Bose and His Rangoon stay at Manilal Nautamlal Mehtas home.
Netaji Bose and Mehtas family In July 1944, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army, also known as Azad Hind Fauj, stayed at the residence

Many women of Mehta-Kamdar of Jetpur were involved in India’s freedom from the British through the Gandhian path.
The Most Outstanding were Savita ben, Moti ben, and Manjulaben. Motiben (Moti Kaki chimanlal Mehta and Savita Kaki both spent over a month Jail in

Moolshankar Nautamlal Mehta, a rare Gandhian Freedom fighter for Indian independence from the British.
Moolshankar Nautamlal Mehta From my own experience with My uncle, Moolshankar was the Last Eternal Gandhian spirit. I am trying to keep him alive with

A True Jain Business Ethical Transaction, Value of 2 million, to Unknown Jain to Jain called (Swamibhai ni Sarafi ) A True Story.
Himabhai’s GrandSon was Kastur Bhai Lalbhai of Ahmedabad, a Textile Magnet; Narbheram’Grandson was Nautamlal B. Mehta of Jetpur, who first coined the Word “Mahatma” for

Manilal ( Fiya Babu) Humanity at its best by allowing his millions of $ worth of Mills to be Looted to protect and save Hindus and Muslims in the 1942 World War In (Burma) Myanmar. Read all compelling evidence with documentation.
This May be the Only family website in the World where you will see More Documents, Proof, and evidence, Very Little or NO subjective or

Nautamlal B Mehta was the first to call Mahatma Gandhi “Mahatma,” not Tagore or anyone else. There is compelling evidence to support this claim.
This is The Compelling Evidence that Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta of Jetpur was the first to Draft and give a hand to Hand this “Manpatra” Citation

During the boycott of British goods in 1930, Nautamlal B Mehta and his family from Jetpur displayed true patriotism and sacrifice.
Note: We could have Hired a Book writer, a film Producer, or a journalist very comfortably to make more Drama with lots of publicity. But

Nautamlal B Mehta was born in one of the world’s most genealogically oldest families, with 18 generations of authentic evidence. ( Approx 600 ) years.
This May be the Only family website in the World where you will see More Documents, Proof, and evidence, Very Little or NO subjective or
Kamdar Family Tree

Nautamlal Mehta

Moolshankar Mehta

Manilal Mehta

Niranjan Mehta

Chimanbhai Mehta

Dhirendra Mehta

Niranjan Mehta

Chimanbhai Mehta