This May be the Only family website in the World where you will see More Documents, Proof, and evidence, Very Little or NO subjective or creative writing because Our documents speak for themselves.
Note: We could have Hired a Book writer, a film Producer, or a journalist very comfortably to make more Drama with lots of publicity. But it is not in our background. And it is Never needed because every document speaks for itself with a few lines. It is a matter of your sense, your logic. And Judgment. I don’t want our golden truth to be polluted.
The Word “Mahatma” for Mohanlal K Gandhi ( Gandhiji) Was First Coined By Nautamlal B Mehta on January 21, 1915, at Kamribai School, not Rabindranath Tagore or anyone else. All other claimants have no documents or any evidence other than hearsay.
The Town Jetpur Must Get Credit for “Mahan-Atma” Gandhiji in to‘Mahatma” Gandhi
Nautamlal’s Great-grandfather Gopaljee was the First to Bring the British to Saurashtra from Baroda ( Gujarat). Ironically, Nautamlal was the first ( From Gujarat ) to ask the British to leave India.
Nautamlal’s family made remarkable Sacrifices for the Freedom of India from the British with the spirit of the Sanatan Mindset, The Gandhian Golden Path for Mother India. From an affluent lifestyle to an austere life, without running away to other countries.
Dr. P.J Mehta. Nautamlal Mehta, Ambalal Sarabhai, and Mahatma Gandhi all were Jain Vanai from Saurahtra( Bania. ) Two more Prominent Jains Not from Saurashtra were Lala Lajpat Rai, Jamanalal Bajaj.
( Dr P.J Mehta and Nautamlal Mehta were in-laws)
Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta-Kamdar is from the Jain Family and “Kuldevi “ ( family Goddess) “Memay Ma” of Thorala near Dhoraji, Gujarat.
We have added all Historical information on Mehta-Kamdar family history, Tradition, and all Ritual ( Pairing with Nature)
I Niranjan Mehta the grandson of Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta of Jetpur. Nautamlalbhai was a pioneering Gandhian who joined the growing movement to free India from the British.
With profound respect, I dedicate this website,, to my grandfather, Nautamlal B. Mehta, my father, and two uncles for their sacrifice for Bharat Mata (Mother India). Their manifestation of their own “Mahanta” and “Atma sarpan” (sacrifice with Nobility) was that they never uttered a word on their sacrifice nor tried to get publicity or take advantage of their connection to famous Independence Movement leaders. By 1900, they were all members of one of the wealthiest families in Gujarat, but through their commitment to the Independence Movement and other circumstances, their lives turned towards a more austere life by 1943. They all accepted the changing life position with mind-boggling respect and refinement.
I welcome you to learn more about their lives through detailed, authentic documentation. I hope their lives inspire you as they have me.
With respect,
Niranjan Mehta
The impact he has had on his family and the Indian community for freedom from the British is all the information in the relevant documents.
The British were Brought into Saurashtra by Gopaljee chatrabhuj, great-grandfather of Nautamlal. The safety and security in many regions have become out of control. Muslim sultanate ( governing) became very weak and out of control. Local Kathis of Sorath were Not strong; therefore, Bhaunagars Wakhatsihji and Nawanagar Jam started Pushing Kathis Land and regions. Kathis was Helpless. They must have approached Gopajee bhai for help, and Gopaljee bhai knew that the state of Baroda already signed the treaty with the British; Baroda also needed some protection from Marathas.
This caused the British to protect Khathis of sorath by Gopaljee bhai; his great Grandson had to pay a very high price in a negative way later in 1920–1935.
As Nautamlal was very involved against the British. Some local kathis were looting Nautamlal farm’s crop, delivering water to the other side, and sabotaging many damages at Nautamlas properties.
At some stage in the night, some people started throwing Molotov Cocktails at Nautamlal’s home. They created very fearsome, dangerous times & situations.
Nautamla was not getting any help from the British; he had to bring 12 “Chaus” Arabin Arab People as his family’s protectors 24/7 with four big dogs.
Once these chaus came, some troublemaker kathis disappeared. Nautamlal kept them for almost two years.
(this was told by my father, manilal, and mother, Sharda.)
Nautam Lal was born on September 2, 1879, in Jetpur (Kathiawar-Saurashtra-Gujarat). He earned a degree from Gujarat College (Ahmedabad). (Bombay
University) His family is one of the wealthiest business houses in Gujarat, with a 600-year history — a true record of 18 generations of geological history (link).
Nautamlal Mehta called for British departure in 1909. We can learn from Nautamlal’s handwritten papers in the Esperanto language. As early as 1900,
Nautamlal Used to Have a good command of 7–8 Languages, Such as Gujarati, Sanskrit, Pali, Farsi, English, Esperanto, Hindi, and Portuguese.
Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta of Jetpur, Saurashtra, first coined or Used the Word “Mahatma” for Mohanlal K Gandhi ( Gandhiji) on January 21, 1915, at Kamribai School, not Rabindranath Tagore or anyone else. All other claimants have no documents or any evidence other than hearsay.
This Picture of Mahatma Gandhi In jetpur on January 21. 1915 at Kamribai School. In this function, Mahatma Gandhi was first addressed as “ Mahatma” By the Nagar Sheth of Jetpur Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta-Kamdar. The School Had Only five chairs. Five chairs. Many prominent citizens were nowhere or standing. They found the space. It was some social gathering, as you see many children in the photo.
My greatest strength was scholars from the Rajghat Gandhi Museum in New Delhi, Dr. Anand, Dr. Varsha Das, and six other scholars on their team. They acknowledged my family’s information (through vetting) and gave me a significant boost to our Documents.
Mahatma wrote in “Collected letters of Mahatma Gandhi “ volume #14, page 347, that “he was in Jetpur on 01/21/1915 and on the very same day Nautamlal Bhagwanji Mehta gave the “Manpatra” addressing Gandhiji as “Mahatma Gandhi.” You can see the copy of that citation here, and the same document is on display at the Rajghat Gandhi Museum in a 6’x3′ foot display in New Delhi — the world’s foremost authority on Gandhian matters.
Nautamlal was an anonymous contributor to Dr. P.J. Mehta’s work at Gujarat Vidyapith in Ahmedabad. He claimed to have played a significant role in India’s freedom movement and the Gandhian moment in Saurashtra, which is often associated with Gujarat. In some of his papers, you can find references to prominent figures such as Gokhale and Lal Lajpatrai.i. Esperanto Language
This Email I received from one of the World’s Top Five Universities on Nautamlal B Mehta and His status as the Founding or Pioneer of the Esperanto Language in India.
“I have attached a page from the July 1906 issue of ‘La Brito Esperantisto’ (The British Esperantist). Under the heading ‘Hindujo’ (India), your grandfather (name highlighted) is declared to be one of the founding members of the Kathiawad Esperanto Group. I am therefore interested in any of his papers that mention Esperanto or are in Esperanto. Additionally, if his papers contain the following report, it would be a great find for our field. This report is believed to be lost:”
These are two handwritten notes from Nautamlal Mehta around 1907 in Esperanto language. It repeatedly has the names Gokhale and Lala Lajpat Rai. It might be related to some communication with the Congress party: “The fight between the moderates and extremists came out openly at Surat in 1907, which adversely affected political developments in the country. Both sides were fighting to capture the Congress organization due to ideological differences. Tilak wanted to put Lala Lajpat Rai in the presidential chair, but Gokhale’s candidate was Rash Behari Ghosh.”
These two handwritten notes from nautamlal Mehta around 1907 in Esperanto language. It has repeatedly the names of Gokhale and Lala Lajpat Rai. It might be related to some communication with congress party about “ The fight between the moderates and extremists came out openly at Surat in 1907, which adversely affected political developments in the country. Both sides were fighting to capture the Congress organization due to ideological differences. Tilak wanted to put Lala Lajpat Rai in the presidential chair, but Gokhale’s candidate was Rash Behari Ghosh.
from Wiki”In Surat Session (1907), The Radicals or Extremists wanted Lala Lajpat Rai or Tilak as a presidential candidate, and Moderates supported Rash Behari Ghosh to be the President.[5] But Lala Lajpat Rai stepped down and Rash Behari Ghosh became the President. The colonial authorities immediately clamped down on the extremists and their newspapers were suppressed. Lokmanya Tilak, their main leader, was imprisoned in Mandalay (present-day Myanmar) for six years.+
He was the first to adopt Khadi wearing in Saurashtra. Including his female family members; even all six daughters had to wear khadi
Nautamlal Mehta’s few family women were jailed for months in Mumbai in 1930: Savitaben and Moti Kaki.
The above pictures show two women from Nautamla Bhagawanji Mehta’s family in 1930 who were sent to jail, all Gujarati Women in Ghatkopar Mumbai. Moti Kaki sits on the Ground from the Right, and Savita Kak( Aunty) is in the center. Savita Kaki later was a very prominent social leader in Madras (Chennai) under Kamraj and Anna Durai time 1950–1970
The postcard on the Left was a Cricket Postcard written to Nautamlal Mehta by some of his friends, Daruwala. On the right, Nautamlal wrote a postcard to His father, Bhagawanji bhai, asking him to send his tennis racket to him in His Gujarat college hostel room in June 1897. Nautamlal’s eldest Son, Manilal, was a very good Tennis Player in His college days at Ferguson College Pune, and Manilal’s four Sons were very good at Sports. Dhirendra “DM” and Ashok were very High ranking Football Players. Both were first to introduce the football game to saurashtra in the late 1940s. Manilals’ two other sons, Niranjan Mehta and Atul Mehta, contributed well internationally in cricket. Both are now in the USA.
2nd Son Moolshankar
2nd son, Moolshankar, spent his entire life on the Gandhian Path. After India gained independence, he spent the rest of his life helping the oppressed. Moolshankar never wore footwear and kept a few pairs of khadi clothing. He graduated from Ferguson College, Pune; however, his spirit for freedom for his mother, India, and the Gandhi way remained the only two things in his life. He also never married.
Moolshanker’s ( Kaka) sacrifice could be more significant because he could have run his father’s business and lived a very comfortable life. He could have gotten an excellent pay job as he was very qualified, but he chose the “fakir” life Gandhian path. I saw his struggle later years after 1970, but he never complained or surrendered. He stood STRONG WITH GANDHIAN SPIRIT TO SERVE BHARAT MATA.
His outstanding character with Noblenss was my most inspirational. The lot of material I proudly present here is all thanks to him. His lost hundreds of Letters from Governor General Rajgopalchari ( Rajaji) are still looking to get amicably back from a family taken without letting him know. Because all Post cards are addressed to him
In the above letter, there was communication between Moolshankar and Mahatma Gandhi. Moolshankar wanted to give his life for the freedom of India and Not to Marry or work for his father’s business. From the Family’s side, he was encouraged to get married. to avoid Delema. His father, Nautamlal, and Moolshanker agreed to get involved with Mahatma Gandhi. These few Letters can light on a highly complex situation. Ultimately, Moolshankar never Married, Never worn footwear, and Kept only two pairs of clothes. Gave up all rights in business or property. Their whole lives lived for oppressed people. ON ONE ON ONE BASIS. THOUSANDS OF BENEFITED AND NO ONE KNEYW IT. as he kept his devotion on one on base. All the info is here, thanks to him.
This Yellow flyer shows the mind-boggling spirit to help oppressed people; He was almost 70+ and living a very austere life. He was Born into a Wealthy family. The spirit of Gandhian “Seva” never allowed him to change his life in comfort and take advantage like Thousands of his co-workers. All became starch-wearing politicians; thousands of others took advantage of business lines, pensions, and collaboration and all forgotten him. The people sitting at Moolshankar’s feet are now flying in comfort, name, and fame. FOR mOOLSHANKAR Nothing was significant in his mind. For him, Bharat Mata and Mahatma Gandhi.
Some Interesting Signatures from Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Nehru, and More.
1st Son Manilal:
His first son, Manilal, was in his final year of Medicine under Dr. Jivaraj Mehta at G.T Medical College and Hospital (K.E.M.). He had spent his last years boycotting British goods and education. Who graduated from Ferguson College, Pune, was known as a “wrangler” in his college as he was brilliant at mathematics.
Below, Manilal sacrifice for Humanity is not some kind of story or Hearsay. But the fact with documents. Read more details below link.
To Save six Rohingya Muslims from the local Burmese mob attacks cost my father millions when his mill was looted in Burma (Myanmar) in March 1942. They also saved over 5,009 Hindus and Muslims by protecting them for five days from death.
My father, Manilal, and Uncle Vajubhai, their humanity was at its best. They saved over 5,000 Indians by protecting them for five days from death by Burmese hands. Read about their life-threatening moments in my father’s handwritten 12 pages letter to his father, Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta, of Jetpur,
Why does this Hate ONLY toward Indians? The British were governing Burma. However, most Burmese and Chinese did not match the ability of Indians; therefore, in the late British 1800 century, the British started collaborating with Indians in Burma. However, the British failed to understand that there were no locals, Thakor, Raja, and Maharaja. Who could act as a British agent to control the local Indians? In Burma, it was difficult for the British to control Indian growth and prosperity.. Therefore, they started Divide and rule between the Burmese (Buddhists) and the Indians (Hindus).most of the Muslims were united with hindu indians
Vaju bhai, his third son, grew up in Myanmar (Burma) and lived there with a Gandhian mindset.
Nautamlals Daughter Maya ( Manjula) married Dr P.J Mehtas Son Maagnlal. She was known as his favorite daughter by Mahatma Gandhi. The above signature/message reads: “Mahatma Gandhi wrote to my uncle on my birthday. Her name was Manjula.”
“ manjulane barobar olakhun chhun. Ane tene deekareenee jem maarun man haree leedhun chhe. Evaa ja tum ho, na ho to thaao ane raho. “Baapu na Aashirwad”
Great Gandhian scholars read and interpreted it appropriately. During the Rajghat Gandhi National Museum. New Delhi English translation: ‘I know Manjula very well; she won my heart as my daughter. Whether you’re like her or not, try to be like her. Bapuna Ashirwad.
Dr. Varsha Ben is the granddaughter of an accomplished Amritala Bhai Sheth Great Gandhian ( Janma Bhumi and Phulchhab founder) and daughter of Mohanlal Sopan.”
The Irony of Destiny for Nautamlal B Mehta is that he became one of the first to ask the same Britishers to Leave India. These are the same Britishers whom his grandfather brought into Saurashtra (Gujarat)
The People who stood against the British and openly opposed the British before 1930, technically from 1900–1930, suffered the most from the British and the pro-British unpatriotic Bharatiya. Their attitude and harassment hurt Patriotic Bharatiya such as Nautamlal, mainly operating from small towns.
There were more media in big cities after 1930, more demonstrations, and unpatriotic Indians noticed their British base was eroding.
There was a dedicated effort to boycott British goods with the courage to risk everything in exchange for freedom and nationalism. By Nautamlal B Mehtana of Jetpur only through the “Gandhian way.”
How did Nautamlal Mehtas stand out differently from several other Gandhian businesspeople? Those prominent businessmen helped freedom, supported their corporate system-based businesses, and used funding from pub stockholders or Banks. ( Sure, their infrastructure depended on it.)
The British goods boycott was A Dedicated effort with the courage to lose everything for Nationalism and free India. By Nautamlal B Mehtana of Jetpur only through the “Gandhian way.”
How did Nautamlal Mehtas stand out differently than other big Gandhian Supporting Businessmen? Those prominent businessmen were Helping freedom, Supporting their corporate system-based businesses, and using funding from pub stockholders or Banks. ( Sure, their infrastructure depended on it.) (Link)
Dr. P.J. Mehta and Nautamlal Mehta, and many like them, use their money and burn their home to fuel their nationalism and free India. By early 1940, both from a group of pioneers of Freedom in India almost became Compared to others, whose more calculated sacrifice for India’s freedom gave them massive corporations in a new, free India.
Whereas the core Indian engine of freedom in India was turned into ashes without anyone caring. Nautamlal, P.J. Mehta, and thousands of others like them burned out without significance, credit, or importance.
How Nautamlal Mehta fought British Indian Postal (British) propagation. Page ” Boycott of British goods,” the result was wrong.
As a result of this act, they paid a very high price and opposed British interests.
His small-town jetpur base, no platform for local newspapers or publicity, low profile mindset, and way of thinking that their activities for India’s freedom were just duty or karma. For mother India.
The family never took any pension, no assistance was claimed, and no documents were submitted to any newspaper to be written on. They have yet to approach the new Indian government for favors. Most activities utilized collaboration, better licensing rights, loans, and city, state, or government positions — Lands and Licensing advantage.
Mehtashtas was based in Jetpur, a small town in Kathiawad.
He made thousands of people aware of the Gandhian moment. His home got the following newspapers. The Hindu, Amrita Bazar Patrika, Anand Bazar Patrika, later Free Press Journal, and many Gujarati newspapers such as Mumbai, Khheda Samachar, Samachar, and Phulchhab. His library had about 5,000 books and was freely available throughout the South.
Many businesspeople joined Mahatma Gandhi’s nationalist business movement, most from publicly listed companies; they contributed their time to their companies. In the case of Nautilal Mehta, he never used public company funds. However, his time, service, and sacrifice drained him from his income. to a very Auster living.
Here is the Nautamlals Family info
Nautamlal was a son of Bhagawanji Narbheram Mehta — Kamdar
Nautamlal had one younger brother, Chimanlal, and two sisters
Nautamlal married Acharat, the daughter of Khimchand Premchand Mehta of Rajkot and Diwan of Rajkot state.
Nautamlal had three sons.
1, Manilal married Sharda (Puspa) the daughter of Govindji Popat bhai Parekh- Kamdar of Gondal state
2. Moolshankar’s whole life was spent on India’s freedom and helping poor people. He never got married, wore shoes, and lived with two pairs of clothes, a Gandhian saint.
3, Vaju bhai never married and opted for the Gandhian path. Almost his whole life was spent in Myanmar ( Burma), teaching and educating downtrodden people to uplift
Nautamlal six daughter
1, Jaya Gauri married Bhimaji Bhai Mehta, an engineer in Bhaunagar state.
2, Kashi ben married Nautamlal T Mehta of the National Engineering Company of Bhavnagar and Rajkot.
3, Manjula (maya) Married to Maganlal Mehta a barrister and son of Dr P.J Mehta
4, Laxmi married Kevubhai, son of Revashankar Vora of Mumbai opera house “Vora Brothers” automobile
5, Prabha has been married to Kanitilal Kapurchand Choksy of Junagadh
6, Vanita is married to Dr Rasiklal Utamchand Mehta of South Africa (now known as “Vakils and Sons” in Mumbai).
The Nautamlal Mehtas family does not keep any sensitive notes in files. They are usually read by the family’s most administrative head and torn off. Never discussed with children or relatives.
Nautamlal B Mehta had almost 60 + letters from Mahatma Gandhis on personal communication out of 30+, ended up with Kaka Saheb Kalekar, who took him from Nautilus, son for research and has yet to return, and another 30+ letters Nautamlal B Mehta gave to keep at the private museum of Smt Sumati Ben Morarjee as most of the letters were very personal. Nautamlal Mehta had a simple rule for any family or financial issue: read and tear down that note or paper. My father had the same practice.
Nautamlal and Nehru’s family have a long connection. As per the picture record, Nautamlal Mehta Met Motilal Nehru in 1919, then Jawaharlal and later Jawaharlal and Indira Gandhi stayed at Nautamlal’s son Manilal’s home in 1937 in Rangoon.
Motilal Nehru and Pandit Nehru, please read Pandit Nehrus Hand written message

Netaji Bose visited Nautamlal’s son Manilal’s home in July 1944 Rangoon for Azad hind Fauz’s help. Netaji Bose and Mehtas family
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj). July 1944. stayed at our ( Manilal Nautamlal Mehtas) place for a week to get funding for Azad Hind Foz. Netaji was seen with My father in a white Topi and Memon Businessman from Dhoraji Saurashtra.

Laxmi saygal right side Livati chaganlal mehta
Dr. P.J. Mehta (brother-in-law-in-law of my grandfather Nautamlal Mehta) had been a known nationalist and supported Gandhi financially. The family-owned, in Partnership with Nautamlal Mehta’s Son Manilal, about 3,200 acres of land in the Pyapon district of lower Burma.
His son, Chhagan Lal PranjivaMehtaMehta’sese family, supported the Azad Hind Sarkar; his wife, Mrs. Leelavati Mehta, and her two daughters, Neelam Mehta and Rama Mehta were the first to join Rani Jhansi Regiment in Burma. Both the daughters had been inspired by their mother, who has been described as a formidable lad’’ by Captain Lakshmi Swaminathan, who had even. Leelavati Mehta also recruited many other girls and women for the Rani Jhansi Regiment. Rama and Neelam returned to their home when the Rani Jhansi Regiment was disbanded,
Here are Some Rare Photos of Great Netajis that are only in our Possession; these are from my Uncle Vajukaka, who spent his whole life helping and teaching Myanmar People in the phyapon area. He spent most of His life in Burma (Myanmar). He Never Married and was living alone in Myanmar. When he died in 1995, he left his Personal Diary and some photos with his Neighbors. He told him,” You keep this eternally; someday, my family members will come and pick you up.” I tried in 1998 twice to Go to my Birth country from the USA, but the circumstances did not allow me.

My daughter Anjali must be a Tool or destiny ( Nimit) to bring a treasure for me from Nowhere in 2006. Anjali was 18 years old in 2006 and studied in Singapore; without our direction or instruction, she went for the first time. Still, it was a communist moment, which was very restrictive; therefore, she could not go to my Uncle Vaju Kakas’ hometown, Pyapon.
In 2009, She went again, without letting us know, with her own money, on a very challenging and risky tour to Myanmar. From Rangoon, she had to use a Bus, a boat, a motorbike, and police help (without any communication in English). She finally reached Pyapon to bring me a” Goldmine of info.””” on our family’s historical photos.
When she went on a Myanmar trip, she had yet to learn how she would get there. My daughter Anjali went twice to bring his Diary and some Personal effects; we found some very Rare and Historical photos in his Diary,
Dr. P.J Mehta’s youngest son, Maganlal, who was the leading Operator and owner of their Diamond and color stones business, and his wife( Manjula), the daughter of Nautamlal B Mehta and (my faiba), were very Gandhian followers and supported Netaj” effort with his new path spiritually to wish him success but never involved in nonviolent thinking.
In One Picture, Netaji standing sitting next to Netaji Abdul Habeeb Yusuf Marfani (next donated almost his entire fortune of Rs 1 crore to the Indian National Army, a princely sum in those days
. The below picture shows the Mehtas Woman Lilavati Chhaganlal Mehta ( chhaganlal is the 2nd son of Dr. Pranjivan J Mehta) and Her Two daughters, Neelam Ben, on the Left, and Ramaben Khandwala on the right (Photo courtesy Rama Mehta)
Mahatma Gandhiji and Subhas Chandra Bose never had any Disrespect for each other. Mahatma Ji used to tease Subhash Babu with love for a son.” Subhas AA Taru Circus bandh Ka” stop this your circus of Army” before Subhas Babu Died,
Subhas Babu realized His miscalculation of trusting Japan and Germany too much. Japan exploited Subash Babu’s limitation, helplessly losing 60,000 Indians of Azad hind fauj in Japan’s onJapan’s front against the British.
From 1941–1943.
that some more info:
This post is for my FB Indian friends and as Historical info with significant documented proof — Gujarat Subash Babu and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s connection and contribution. By the way, Netaji, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nehru never had any grudge or discomfort with each other. They were all fighting for a complementary India with a different mindset. Please don’t believe any BS from fly-by-night authors. Most newspapers or book authors have no time for research or have any clue or gene to know any truth. They are the most untrained lot without any morals or integrity.
Please adjust your estimate of that one crore rupee based on the info below.
As for my mother, there was uncontrollable INFLATION from 1942 to 1945 in Burma. People used to buy vegetables or milk with a big jute bag of money. There was no value in cash. But that does not mean Bhai Shri Abdulbhai Yusuf Bhai Marfanis’s contribution or sacrifice was less critical. None of the others contributed as he did with such a significant amount.
This one On Our American Connection
In 1933 we took part at the World Trade Fair In Chicago. Our Chotalal Mansing ( Bhagawanji Bhais Brother’s son) was a Participant, here are same interesting Pictures of him at the Chicago World Trade Fair.
once Thakore saheb of Wankaner Amarsihji saheb come to know that Nautamlals Family was Participating in trade fair. He sponsherd and supported of of his staff who used to have world longest Moustach 3 feet on each side of his mouth.

Chotalal Mansingh

Chhotal lal Mansingh Bhai Kamdar

Chhotalal Mansingh bhaiiin-laws

This one of envelopes out of three, I am still looking for the letter from this envelope from thousands of papers meanwhile, for all on who was William Randolph Hearst? He 1863–1951)

William Randolph Hearst, the man who conceived Hearst Castle, was a media genius whose influence extended to publishing, politics, Hollywood, the art world and everyday American life. His power and vision allowed him to pursue one of the most ambitious architectural endeavors in American history, the result of which can be seen in magnificent grounds and structures of Hearst Castle.
Family Tree of Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta-Kamdar of Jetpur (Saurashtra)