This is The Compelling Evidence that Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta of Jetpur was the first to Draft and give a hand to Hand this “Manpatra” Citation to Gandhiji on January 21, 1915. All other claims have no evidence or documents but are just hearsay. Furthermore, Tagore met Mahatma on March 6, 1915. please read how our historians, researchers, and scholars are ignorant.
This website presents more evidence with minimal subjective writing.
Note: We could have Hired a Book writer, a film Producer, or a journalist very comfortably to make more Drama with lots of publicity. But it is not in our background. And it is never needed because every document speaks for itself with a few lines. It is a matter of your sense, your logic. Your Judgment.
Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta from Jetpur, Saurashtra, was the first person to use the word “Mahatma” on January 21, 1915, at Kamribai School. This fact is supported by documents, unlike the claims of other individuals who have no proof and rely on hearsay. It is worth noting that this credit is often wrongly given to Rabindranath Tagore or others.
No one has ever questioned Louis Fisher about a few things: 1. On what date did Tagore first use the word “Mahatma”? 2. Where was Tagore located? 3. On a certain date and location where Tagore was present, was Gandhiji also there? 4. Where is the picture of the event? 5. Where is the picture of the citation or document? None of our so-called historians and scholars have ever dared to question Louis Fisher’s hearsay.
Sure, my grandfather and uncles tried from 1952 onward to fix wrong historical info, but they were helpless due to communication availability in those years, no phone, no internet, or email like the present time. Their only weapon in those years was writing a postcard.
One of my greatest strengths was the compelling evidence documents I had access to. These documents were backed by the expertise of scholars from the Rajghat Gandhi Museum in New Delhi, including Dr. Y. Anand, Dr. Varsha Das, and six others on their team. They acknowledged the information provided by my family after thorough vetting, which gave me a significant boost in obtaining the my family after thorough vetting, which gave me a significant boost in obtaining the documents.
Mahatma wrote in “Collected letters of Mahatma Gandhi “ volume #14, page 347, that “he was in Jetpur on 01/21/1915 and on the very same day Nautamlal Bhagwanji Mehta gave the “Manpatra” addressing Gandhiji as “Mahatma Gandhi.” You can see the copy of that citation here, and the same document is on display at the Rajghat Gandhi Museum in a 6’x3′ foot display in New Delhi — the world’s foremost authority on Gandhian matters.
You will find:
The actual photocopy of the real “Manpatra” citation with 44 citizens of Jetpur’s signatures on it.
Nautamlal Bhagawanjibhai Mehta was the first to coin the word “Mahatma” for Gandhiji. This is the actual copy of the Manpatra Gandhiji received from my Grandfather’s hand into Mahatma’s hand. On January 21, 1915, from that day, Gandhiji became Mahatma. No Other Claimants, even On Tagore’s claim by Louish Fishtcher or anyone, have any relevant documents to prove their hearsay of what they have a platform Media.

This is the English translation of the ‘Mahatma” citation or Manpatra has given to Gandhiji on January 21, 1915, at Jetpur by Nautamlal bhagawanji Mehta
2. A similar “Manpatra” was given to the wife of Mahatma Gandhi, Shrimati Kasturba Gandhi, on the same day by the women of Jetpur. We have a copy of it here, too. Kastuba was also respected with a special “Manpatra “on the same day, January 21, 1915, by women of Jetpur with their signature, Including a signature of Jaykuvar, the daughter of Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta

Proof and Authentication of our record. Here are emails from Dr. Anand and Dr. Varsha Das from the Rajghat Gandhi Museum.

3. Mahatma Gandhi himself wrote in the collected work of Mahatma Gandhi in volume 14, page #347, that “he was in Jetpur on January 21, 1915.”

4. Small notes from Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta’s sons, Manilal and Moolshankar, state thatthis information is accurate.

Manilal wrote this note tohis younger brother Moolshanker (who was hard of hearing). For this reason, most of their communication was in written notes. Here Manilal says that “Kumar “Magazine wrongly published the info on who coined the word “Mahatma” for Gandhiji. Manilal says, “It was drafted and read by his father, Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta. This note must have been written around 1970.
Hereunder, a few other claims are hearsay without proper documentation.
Louis Fischer gave Tagore credit for calling Mahatma for the first time. However, Rabindranath Tagore met Mahatma Gandhi for the first time on March 6, 1915, whereas Nautamlal met Gandhiji on January 21, 1915. Louise Fisher needs proof, citations, or documents with dates. It was Louise Fisher Hearsay. No historian or so-called expert Ever questioned Mr. Fishers’ claim on the coined word “Mahatma.”
The below page from LouisFishcher Book page started Deception and Wrong Information First, who coined the Word “Mahatma”

From Here, falsification and deception started by Louise Fischer. Gurudev Never Coined the Word “Mahatma,” but Louis Fisher wanted Him to say it for Gandhiji ! he did his job to fill up book pages with wrong info. The Problem is Our own So-called Gandhain Scholars, Historians, Authors, and even so-called Gandhi Bhaktos. None had. Have rational thinking with Logic and common sense. No one question with 1, what date Tagore said.? 2. What location? 3. Gandhiji was there on so and so date? 4; where is the picture of the event? 5. Where is the picture of that citation? No One ever questions those fundamental questions to accept the historical events. All acted and still acting as stupid as possible. A bunch of our Copycat scholars or so-called authorities never had the Logic or common sense to question white American Authors. My grand, father, and Uncle tried to fix it in 1950–1960, but in those days, their weapon was writing a letter or postcard with No response. I exposed the above wrong info in 1996, and later, Dr. Anand and Dr. Varshben Das and their Team from Rajght Gandhi Museum, New Delhi, acknowledged it. And they were accepted. Still, Bunch of Ignorant is singing the song of Lousie Fisher without anything in the Hand.
No one questioned Louis Fisher a few questions: 1. What date did Tagore First time use the word “Mahatma” .? 2. What location was Tagore ? 3. Gandhiji was there on a so-and-so date and Location where Tagore was there.? 4; Where is the picture of the event? 5. Where is the picture of that citation or Document?
1, First claim of Tagore by Louis Fischer.
Mr Louis Fischer failed to Provide any relevant documents or data; therefore, he was grossly wrong, and his claim is Fake. One more point: Tagore Met Mahatma for the first time on March 6, 1915. NautamlalB Mehta met Mahatma on January 21, 1915
Some claim that Gandhiji was called “Mahatma” by the residents of Gurukul Kangadi in No specific date, April 1915, and he, in turn, called the founder Munshiram a Mahatma (who later became Swami Shraddhananda). However, there is no proof of documents, and the date they are claiming is April 1915, whereas again, Nautamlal Mehta and the people of Jetpur signed the Mahatma “Manpatra” on January 21, 1915. They also do not have any documents or proof that the event occurred before January 21, 1915, of Nautamlalal B Mehtas’s date. One More Point Mahatma Gandhi did not go anywhere once He landed in Mumbai, spent one week in Mumbai and then came first to Jetpur.
Claim # 3.
Another claim by Gandhian historian says, “A private letter from friend Pranjivan Mehta to Gopal Krishna Gokhale in 1909 referred to Gandhi with the title “Great Mahatma” and thus remains the earliest written record available to use the title “ Great Mahatma” on Gandhiji. Pranjivan Mehta was Nautamlal Mehta’s brother-in-law, and Pranjivan Mehta never handed any citation to Mahatma. In South Africa 1909, he neither knew nor received any face-to-face citations. Additionally, we have yet to see the letter to Gokhale.
Claim # 4
is from Gondal Rasshala, which is only 20 miles from Jetpur. They claimed that Mahatma Gandhi came to Gondal on January 26, 1915, and at the Rashshal, this Manpatra was given. However, they were so innocent that they should know. Mahatma Gandhi was in Jetpur on January 21, 1915. Nautamlal Mehta was the first to meet Mahatma before Tagore, or Rash shal. Nautamlal Mehta’s trust ( New Dynamic Inc) supplied all documentation, Photos, Picture of Mahatma, and even Mahatma himself wrote in his book collected letter of Mahatma Gandhi in Vol 14
A few other claims popped out like bubbles from our own Help of Air to them.
rom my grandfather’s close associates.1, Last Name starts with “Par….” and Another Last Name starts with” Des….” We gave them copies of the above “Manpatra” as a kind of Gesture to them as their grandfather’s signature was one of those 42 signatures; upon receiving one Last Name starting with “Par….” they just rushed to Sabarmati Ashram and Local Newspapers in Amdavad and started dancing that their great father was first to coin the word, Mahatma. ( they were from Jetpur and friends of Nautamlal B Mehta) They had no original documents, just our copy. As they could not provide more info, they all cooled down.
We learned from the above experience. Now we have annotated all our documents(I won’t write their name here to respect their privacy and emotional misjudgment), I have the email asking for a copy of the above “Manpatras from various past Gandhian grandchildren. Such as Kalel…., Mash…..and many as now all documents are under the control of New Dynamic Inc. trust in California. We refused to avoid more future claims from nowhere.
My Uncle Moolshankar told me many times that we had about sixty Mahatma Gandhi letters on family and other private matters. as it was very Private. When my Grandfather Pedhi underwent a financial crisis in 2nd World War, Our Mill was also looted to save thousands of Hindu- Muslims. We gave up on the Central Bank and Moved to Ahmedabad in a small home in Khadia. To keep these letters well, we gave some 30 Letters to Sumatiben Morarjee and around 30 letters to Kaka saheb Kalekar. After I contacted both families, I am still waiting to hear a response. I am writing here to stay connected with the public on this matter.
For the general Public, One Person used to hold a mobile gallery of Gandhian documents, and mostly about 200 Postcard communication between 1950–1970 from Rajagopalachari “Rajaji” and Moolshankar were stolen from Moolshankar home in Wankaner with his coin collection. His helper’s name was Go…. Zala or Jhala, and last I read an article on him in Gujarat Samachar. I contacted his grandson to sell those documents but have not heard back from him. The postcard has the address of Moolshankar Mehta: wankaner or Ahmedabad.
Read more on the Wikipedia page.
Tagore’s name was a big hyperbole started by Louis Fischer an American author, without any factual or physical proof. Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta was Nagarsheth of Jetpur (Nagarsheth is equivalent to the head of the town, like a modern-day mayor andBanker). Louis Fischer had no documents, no location of the event, and no date of events. And yet, somehow, he made something out of nothing. All our Gandhian scholars blindly accepted what Louis Fischer said, without doing their due diligence. My grandfather, father, and uncle started writing with the objection to Louis Fischer’s hearsay on Tagore, but they were helpless.

My uncle, Moolshankar, wrote postcards and/or letters to various publishing houses as early as 1951, but it was worthless as no one cared about our information or truth. None dared to question a white journalist/author from America.

My uncle Moolshankar (Nautamlal’s second son) spent his whole life following Mahatma and Mahatma’s Mindset and worked to support underserved people. In this above Gujarati flyer, he says that although he went to jail four times In Jail, he never took a penny from the government. He had a degree in science from Fergusson College Pune but never exploited it for his gains. He Let go of his family and inherited 600 years old “Pedi” for Mother India’s freedom. He could have sat in His father’s business, but he opted to go to Jail for the freedom of India. He Says in above Flyers “ He csan prove that the term “Mahatma” was first coined by his father, Nautamlal Mehta”. Unfortunately, Moolshankar died in 1993, but his nephew, Niranjan (me), did his work with his inspiration, will, and guidance.
Below is the Translation to English of the above Yellow banner from Gujarati to English

Nature made me a tool to get justice for my grandfather. I had access to hundreds of family documents and photographs (aka proof) sharing information about the Indian Freedom Movement and our family’s connection to Gandhiji. Thanks to technology, I have better resources and time to share the truth; that journey started in 1996.
My greatest strength was scholars from Rajghat Gandhi Museum in New Delhi, Dr. Anand, Dr. Varsha Das, and six other scholars on their team who acknowledged my family’s information (through a lot of vetting) and gave me a significant boost!

This was published by Rajghat Gandhi Museum (National Gandhi Museum), acknowledging with approval that Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehta was the first to coin the word “Mahatma” for Gandhiji.
Additional photos and historical information:

This picture was taken when Mahatma Gandhi arrived in Jetpur on January 21, 1915. My grandfather used to say that Kamribai School had only six chairs and over 70–100 people in attendance. Those who were elderly were given chairs to sit in. Most had a space to stand anywhere to get into the picture — this event of khandani and sanskarik minds. No fight for ego or power, even children, were warmly welcomed.

When Gandhiji met my uncle, Moolshankar, he wrote this note on Moolshankar’s sister, Manjula: “Manjulane barobar olakhun chhun. Ane tene deekareenee jem maarun man haree leedhun chhe. Evaa ja tame ho, na ho to thaao ane raho. — Baapunaa aasheervaad.” Read and interpreted adequately by great Gandhian scholar: Dr. Varshaben Das of Rajhat Gandhi National Museum, New Delhi: “I know Manjula very well; she won my heart as my daughter. If you are like her, if you are NOT like her, then try to be like her and stay that way. ‘ Baapu’s blessings. For additional context: Varshaben is the granddaughter of great Amritlalbhai Sheth and daughter of Mohanlal Sopan. Both my uncles, Vajubhai and Moolshankarbhai, and aunt, Manjula (Maya) gave their whole life to Gandhian ideas and moments without seeking any office. They worked directly with the underserved on one basis, no one know their work, but thousands of people feel and benefit from their work.

This is the actual note that Gandhiji wrote to Moolshankar about his sister, Manjula (mentioned above).

My wife, Veena (center), and my two very bright daughters at the Rajghat Gandhi Museum (National Gandhi Museum), New Delhi with a copy of the Manpatra.

These three very brave Mehta women from Dr. P.J Mehta’s family. His son Chhaganlalbhai Mehta’s wife Lilavati Kaki, and their two daughters, Ramaben and Neelamben joined Netaji’s army. All three wrote letters to Netaji in their blood.

Sitting in the front from the right is Mota Kaki and in the center is Savita Kaki. They went to jail in 1930 for months. It is mind-boggling that Jain women were so brave and active almost 100 years back. Savita Kaki worked many years under Kamraj and Annadurai administrations in Chennai to help underserved people in Chennai between 1955 and 1970.

This is a handwritten blessing from Kasturba Gandhi to my uncle, Moolshanker Nautamlal Mehta.
Historical context to help you better understand:
From Here, falsification and deception started by Louise Fischer. Gurudev Never Coined the Word “Mahatma,” but Louis Fisher wanted Him to say it for Gandhiji ! he did his job to fill up book pages with wrong info. The Problem is Our own So-called Gandhain Scholars, Historians, Authors, and even so-called Gandhi Bhaktos. None had. Have rational thinking with Logic and common sense. No one question with 1, what date Tagore said.? 2. What location? 3. Gandhiji was there on so and so date? 4; where is the picture of the event? 5. Where is the picture of that citation? No One ever questions those fundamental questions to accept the historical events. All acted and still acting as stupid as possible. A bunch of our Copycat scholars or so-called authorities never had the Logic or common sense to question white American Authors. My grand, father, and Uncle tried to fix it in 1950–1960, but in those days, their weapon was writing a letter or postcard with No response. I exposed the above wrong info in 1996, and later, Dr. Anand and Dr. Varshben Das and their Team from Rajght Gandhi Museum, New Delhi, acknowledged it. And they were accepted. Still, Bunch of Ignorant is singing the song of Lousie Fisher without anything in the Hand.

WE DO NOT NEED ANY RESEARCH ON MAHATMA GANDHI. Mahatma Gandhi Himself said, “My life is my message.” He wrote his Own Autobiography. It was added by “Mahadevbhaini Diary.” The final work is almost 50,000 (fifty thousand) pages of the most authentic work of “Collected Letters of Mahatma Gandhi.” Why does anyone need more from this Fly-By-Night author? Any more work is just polluting the golden word of Mahatma Gandhi. .Apart from Mahatma, Mahadevbhai ni Diary is another very close to Mahatma Gandhi’s words.
Here is more proof of Nautamlal Bhagawanji Mehtas, a pioneer and one of the first in Freedom of India and on Gandhian Mindset.

This is 1919 Nautamlal B Mehta Met Motilal Nehru at Amritsar 1919 and right from Pandit Nehru in 19129

Pandit Nehrus Message to Nautamlal B Mehta in 1929

1907 letter written in Esparento languges can be read Gokhalae, Lala Lajpatrai must surat session of congress in 1907